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Etisalat Unlimited Browsing With Tweakware. (No more Ips)

This is good news for all those who have been rocking the Etisalat chat pack unlimited browsing. All thanks to the developer of this new app called tweakware, no more searching for ips or servers for the open vpn users.

This new app powers all your applications and its very easy to setup. You can now save yourself the stress of hunting for new Ips and the speed is relatively fast.

How to Setup:
==> First you have to activate the eti chat pack for all those who haven't by dialing *200*3*3*2*1*1*1#.
==> Download the tweakware app from HERE.
==> Launch the application.
==> If you are new to this, create a new access point and set your APN as "Etisalat" and leave others blank.
==> Launch the tweakware app, press the menu button and click on settings.
==> Click on bundled settings and tick the "use bundled settings".
==> Click on " select bundled settings" and select ETI CHAT PACK.
==> Go back and tap the connect button.
That's all!

Now you can flex your unlimited browsing without having to worry about fast, slow or dead Ips.
And you also don't need autoproxy to power it up.
Big credit to CAST of guruslodge


  1. It stop working, it says i have finish use my mb i should buy another mb

  2. Ignore the msg, turn off data and turn it on again...

    That should solve it


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