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Mtn Has Just Introduced Cheaper Data Bundles

That moment when you think MTN is  done with all their surprise data packages then they decide to slam you with the biggest surprise by slashing the price of all their data plan.
Mtn decided to revisit all their current data plans and thereby adjusting them to make then more affordable . So If you think the MTN 1.3gb for N1,000 is quite affordable then you might want to brace yourself for the 1.5gb plan which goes for the same price of N1,000.
Be it the daily plan, weekly plan, monthly plan or the mifi data plans which goes for 3 months, Mtn are really trying their best to make their data plans one of the most affordable you can get out there

Mtn Daily Data Plans
MTN 30MB Plan which cost N100 and its Valid for 24Hrs to subscribe SMS 104 to 131 or dial *131*104#
MTN 100MB Plan which cost N200 and itsValid for 24Hrs to subscribe SMS 113 to 131 or dial *131*113#

Mtn Weekly Data Plan
MTN 750MB which cost N500 and its Valid for 7 Days. To subscribe, SMS 103 to I31 or dial *131*103#

Mtn Monthly Data Plans
MTN 1.5GB Data Plan which cost N1000 and its Valid for 30 Days. To subscribe, SMS 106 to 131 or dial *131*106#
MTN 3.5GB which cost N2,000 and its Valid for 30 Days. To subscribe SMS 110 to 131 or dial *131*110#
MTN 10GB which cost N5,000 and its Valid for 30 Days. To subscribe, SMS 116 to 131 or dial *131*116#
MTN 22GB which cost N10,000 and its Valid for 30 days. To subscribe, SMS 117 to 131 or dial *131*117#

Mtn Data Plan With 3 months Validity
MTN 50GB which cost N20,000 and also Valid for 3Months. To subscribe, SMS 118 to 131 or dial *131*118#
MTN 85GB which cost N50,000 and also Valid for 3Months. To  subscribe, SMS 133 to 131 or dial *131*133#.
So guys let me know what you think about this new plans in the comment box below.

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  1. Thanks for de info.....
    Hoping for good tricks from u

    Boss of Tricksbar

  2. Anonymous12 May, 2016

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