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Another Alleged Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Explodes And Sets Car On Fire On The Highway

Although this hasn't been officially been confirmed by Samsung or the authorities, but according to the video released online by a nurse named sharon cain, the fire incident was caused by a Samsung galaxy note 7.
According to her, the 55years old driver of the car named Clifford Samuel said he was charging his Samsung note 7 inside his car when he heard a loud pop sound, and that was when the phone Exploded before finally igniting the whole car.
Incident like this is the major reason why many airline and transport service in general are banning the use of the Samsung galaxy note 7 while on board. Although the global recall of the Samsung note 7 has been going on for weeks now, I wonder why a lot of people are so reluctant to return their device even though you have the option of waiting for a replacement unit or getting back your full refund.

1 comment:

  1. Nice info YomiTecch. the have stop the sell of Samsung galaxy Note 7. commenting form WizProf.com


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