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Super Mario Run is Now Available For Android Users. How to Download

Nintendo which is the brain behind the popular super Mario run decided to bring the classic game to smartphone users. The game was initially released for iOS users only and this didn't go down well with the Android users. So Nintendo promised that an Android version of the game will also be released.
Now, Nintendo has kept to it's promise and an Android version of the super Mario run is now available for download on playstore. This is actually not the first but the second smartphone game from Nintendo with Miltomo being the first.

The super Mario run for Android which is the version 2.0 comes with four colored Yoshis as additional playabale characters. Although you can try out the game for free on playstore, accessing the whole game will cost you a one-time purchase of just $9.99, which is also the same price as the iOS version.
Although the review from those who have played the iOS version isn't too good as many of them complains about insufficient content. But you can try out the Android version and let us know what you think about it by dropping your comment below.

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