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Finally! Airtel Nigeria is Partnering With ZTE to Roll Out its own 4G LTE Network

All telcomunication operators in Nigeria now offers 4G LTE network except for Airtel. A lot of people have been wondering why it took the telcomunication giant so long to roll out thier own 4G LTE network, but i guess the reason is best known to them.
Good news to all Airtel customers as Airtel has finally decided to launch its own 4G network. The wait is finally​ offer as Airtel has now partnered with ZTE to deploy its own 4G LTE network. ZTE is a Chinese multinational telecommunications equipment/systems Company and world leader in mobile Internet hardware and solutions.

Airtel which is the first telcomunication company in Nigeria to successfully complete a 4G network in Lagos which is the business hub of Nigeria is now the last to deploy. This is quite ironic.

Base on reports, the 4G LTE network has already started rolling out in some part of Lagos, but there is no info as to when it will be available nationwide.

Normally, your 3G SIM is suppose to work with the new 4G network, but we really don't know if Airtel will ask it's customers to come for a new sim just like Glo and MTN or if they will be asked to continue using their old SIM just like Etisalat.

We will keep you guys updated on any latest news and info concerning the Airtel 4G service. If you don't want to miss out on any of our news and​ updates, then kindly subscribe to our newsletter below. 

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