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How to Share Your Smile 4G Data Plan With Family and Friends + Smile 4G 7GB Promo

Smile 4G just introduced a new service which is called the SMILE DATA SHARE. This new service lets you share your Smile 4g data with other smile 4g subscribers. You can share as low as 200mb with your family, friends or colleagues who also happens to be on the network.

This service will really come in handy if you happen to own a small or medium business or just within a group. You can save a lot of money by purchasing a single plan and sharing it with others.

How To Share Smile 4G Data
>> Login to your account and open the bundle section.
>> Click on the Share button at the right side of your data plan.
>> On the next page, enter the account ID of the Smile subscriber you want to share your data with.
>> From the drop-down menu, select the data volume you want to share. 

Note: You can share 200 MB, 500 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 3 GB, 5 GB, 7 GB, 10 GB, 15 GB, 20 GB, 50 GB, 100 GB, or 150 GB. 
>> After that, just click on Share to finalize it.

Smile 4G 24hours 7GB Data Plan Promo
Smile also has an ongoing data plan promo for existing subscribers which gives users 7 GB of data for N3,000 valid for 30 days, or 7 GB of data for N2,500 valid for 20 days.

List of Cities With Smile 4G Network Coverage

Incase you want to subscribe for Smile 4G data plan, it's important to know the places where they have network coverage because Smile 4G network is not available in all parts of the country.
At the moment, Smile 4G network coverage is available in Lagos, Port Harcourt, Ibadan, Abuja, Benin City, Kaduna, Onitsha and Asaba.

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