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Xiaomi Ships out over 10 Million Unit of it's Smartphone in 30 days

Xiaomi was in the news sometime last month when the company managed to sell over 1 million units of it's Redmi note 4 smartphone in less than 48 hours (2 days). Now the company has made it to the news again after shipping out over 10 million units of Xiaomi smartphones last month September.
Xiaomi's CEO Lei Jun broke the news with a celebratory post on Chinese website Weibo. According to him, this is the first time Xiaomi has shipped that much unit in just a month. India has actually been the biggest market for the Chinese manufacturer as one in ten phones shipped last month were sold over the course of two days in India with the Note 4 taking the lead.

Xiaomi's overall sale last year 2016 actually dropped to just 58 million units compared to 70 million units in 2015. But it looks like the company is getting back on track. For the 2nd quarter of this year, Xiaomi shipped 23.2 million units of it's smartphone putting it on the 5th position worldwide in terms of company with highest shipment.

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