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How to Make Your Glo Network Browse Faster

Glo no doubt has one of the cheapest data plans in the country, but the whole cheap data plan is almost useless considering how poor Glo network is generally. While many people complain about the poor network, some don't even get the reception at all.
However, a Nairalander with the moniker princeofnigeria has just shared a simple trick which is suppose to boost the poor Glo network. Going by the comments on the thread, this simple trick will help improve your Glo network and make it a lot more faster. 
I will be sharing the trick in this post.
How to Improve your Glo Network Speed
>> Go to your phone's settings and click on mobile network.
>> Click on the "Glo Flat" APN to edit it.
>> Click on the bearer's settings and untick unspecified.

>> Then tick LTE, HSDPA, HSPA, HSUPA and HSPAP.
>>Once you are done, just save and make sure you select it as your default APN.
Note: If your phone does not support 4G, do not tick “LTE”.

That's all guys, just connect and let me know if it works for you by dropping your comments below.

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