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Huawei will soon be allowed to resume trading with US companies

In May of this year 2019, the U.S. Commerce Department placed China's tech giant Huawei on it's Entity List due to allegations that the company might be posing a security threat to the country by providing a backdoor on its products for the Chinese government to spy on its American consumers.
Even though Huawei denied all the allegations, the ban was still placed and the company was restricted access from getting suplies from companies like Google, Qualcomm, Intel, ARM holdings and many others.

However, on June 29 at the G-20 summit, both the USA and China government reached an agreement on the ongoing trade war between both countries and the US president Donald Trump announced that US companies will now be allowed to continue trading with Huawei if they want to. The announcement however didn't clarify what the US companies were allowed and not allowed to trade with Huawei.

It now looks like everything has been sorted out as latest report has it that the US government is now ready to issue out license to any company that is ready to continue selling components to Huawei.
The process is expected to take as short as two to four weeks which means Huawei can resume trade as early as next month. 

Even with this new development, America still sees Huawei as a threat, so the company will still always need a license before they can trade with US companies and this will continue until US lawmakers are fully convinced that the company isn't spying on its American consumers.

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