Download GCam 7 for Redmi Note 8 (Ginkgo) by Parrlt043 (PMGC_7.0.009_FinalRelesedVersion_V10)
The Redmi Note 8 (codename: ginkgo) was launched by Xiaomi about a month ago, so it is still a pretty new smartphone. This also means that there is currently a limited number of Mods for the device.
Parrot043 (also known as Bulkin043) who is a very popular Gcam modder has released a Gcam 7 which is compatible with the new Redmi Note 8. The PMGC_7.0.009_FinalRelesedVersion_V10 by Parrot043 works very well with the Redmi Note 8 with all the new Gcam 7 features intact.
For those who don't know what Gcam is, it is the stock camera App of the Google pixel smartphones which uses Google's advance algorithm and HDR+ technology to deliver excellent picture quality. The app comes with features like HDR+, portrait mode, motion photos, panorama, lens blur, 60fps video, slow motion, and more.
- Added a new library ParrotHal 4.0.
- Added item "Use Advanced HDR+" in portrait mode.
- Added item "Use face retouch". Pay attention to the description of the item!
- Moved the "Blur" mode to the subcategory "MORE", like it was on GCam 6.3.017.
- Minor changes to the code.
Download link - GCam 7.0.009 for Redmi Note 8 ginkgo
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