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Download GCam 7.3.018 for OnePlus 5/5T (Nikita-v1.4_GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05_mod)

We now have a Google Camera 7.3.018 based GCam for the OnePlus 5/5T. This NGCam_7.4.104-v2.0 Google Camera Mod for OnePlus 5/5T by Nikita is based on the GCam 7.4.104 Urnyx05 v2.0 by Urnyx05. All the latest features of the Google Camera 7.3.018 are available in this Mod.
Some of the features of the new Google Camera 7.3.018 includes Added dual exposure controls to adjust brightness and HDR of photos, added Astrophotography to Night Sight and a many more. Below is the full changelog.

  • Final version
  • Added isDefaultsLite device config by default
  • Added new icons and styles
  • Changed Etalon7+ lib to NR57W15T17
  • Updated translations 
  • Fixed and improved Pixel Binning viewfinder button
  • Fixed AUX video crash, need enabled restart first
  • Some small changes and fixes

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